Our 6th QWebinar with Dr. Sarah Kaiser
In our upcoming QWebinar, we will host Dr. Sarah Kaiser, who will talk about "Growing the open source quantum software community". As Dr. Sarah Kaiser says: "I want to share with you my journey from academia working as an open source quantum developer at the Unitary Fund, what I have learned about the role that open source software has to play in developing quantum technologies, and how you can help grow our quantum community". The QWebinar will start at 19:00 (UTC), Monday, November 23, 2020.The event will be delivered as a zoom meeting and also broadcast on our YouTube channel. We will send the invitations (by using Google calendar) only to the registered people. Moderators: Özlem Salehi (QWorld&QTurkey) and Maksims Dimitrijevs (QWorld&QLatvia)Organizers: Abuzer Yakaryılmaz (QWorld) and Agnieszka Wolska (QWorld) About…