QItaly is a community focused on increasing awareness about the opportunities and promises of quantum technologies in Italy.
Following the recognition obtained by QWorld, staff members from the Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia CRS4, has established QItaly which aims to inform and engage those ones interested in learning about this rapidly-evolving field.
QItaly strives to enforce the collaboration among professionals and enthusiasts of quantum community through networking events and exchanges, in addition to offering educational resources and opportunities for skills development.
QItaly’s headquarter is hosted by the Bioscences and Computational Infrastructures, Smart Projects and Quantum Computing (BCISP_QC) Sector at CRS4, where both the Sole Administrator Giacomo Cao and the BCISP_QC Director Lidia Leoni have been instrumental in supporting QItaly and its activities.
Contact Us:
qitaly [at] qworld.net
Stay updated on our upcoming events by following us on social media:
Giuliana Siddi Moreau
Manuela Profir
Lorenzo Pisani
Carlo Podda
Maria Laura Clemente
Carlo Impagliazzo
Davide Muroni
Alberto Varone
Guido Porruvecchio
Alessandro Romanino
Riccardo Berutti
Past events:
- Entangling Event (March 2024)