The idea behind “being cousins” is to create active groups on a global scale willing to popularize quantum technologies and to involve more people to the field by working locally and/or internationally (e.g., by organizing workshops, courses, preparing educational materials). The groups should support and encourage each other, even though they may operate only locally.

We have five keywords:

  1. Global (engaging every country)
  2. Cooperation (by acting together we can achieve more)
  3. Openness (our main aim is to have open access and public global ecosystem for quantum technologies so that each interested hardworking individual, group, institute, or region can be easily part of the ecosystem).
  4. Diversity (i.e., engaging more women and, more generally, people from disadvantaged or underrepresented groups)
  5. Juniors (engaging young generations, e.g., starting from high schools)

At the moment, we are thirty-three QCousins: QLatviaQTurkeyQHungary, QPoland, QRussia, QSlovakia, QPakistan, QCzech, QTunisia, QMexico, QIndia, QGreece, QMorocco, QRomania, QIreland, QZimbabwe, QEgypt, QSpain, QLibya, QNigeria, QFrance, QIran, QColombia, QGhana, QGermany, QUAE, QSouthAfrica, QBosnia, QItaly, QSlovenia, QCameroon, QAlgeria, and QBulgaria.

QCousin network coordinators

Coordinator: Lorraine Majiri
Vice-coordinator: Paweł Gora
Other members: Zeki Seskir, Maksims Dimitrijevs, Kenneth Olisa Isamade, Ioannis Theodonis, Ini Ukut, Dr. Amrit Chhetri, Jagjeet Chauhan

E-mail contact: qcousins [at]

Join us

If you would like to form a new QCousin, please follow the Guidelines for QCousins. Please ensure that you accept all the rules and feel free to contact us (qcousins [at] to start the application process. Check also the Guidelines for organizing workshops.

Before that, it is good to find a group of people with whom you would like to organize the new QCousin, we require at least 2 people but it is better to have a larger group and it is also necessary to have at least 1 senior researcher (there should be a strong connection with academia) and usually it is good to have both: senior researchers and students / PhD students. It’s also necessary to have at least 2 group members who have completed a QBronze workshop before the entangling event, e.g.,