QTraining4 | Silver | March 21- April 3, 2022
QTraining for Silver is an internal 2-week training program for Silver, the intermediate tutorial of QWorld. The main aim of the program is to train mentors and instructors who will do mentoring and lecturing later on QSilver workshops organized by their groups, by the other QCousins, or by QWorld. The prerequisite is having basic knowledge of quantum computing or participating in one of the previous QSilver.
Contact: qeducation [at] qworld.net
Each participant of this program should commit to accepting the invitation of being a mentor or lecturer in the QSilver workshops
Participation & Program
This is an internal program aimed at participants from the QCousins. The number of instructor candidates is limited to 25.
We use Discord server for our communications, Zoom for daily meetings, and Canvas to manage the written materials.
- The workshop will run for two weeks. Each participant will be required to attend live sessions Mon-Sun of Week 1, and Fri-Sun of Week 2.
- The participants will be divided into groups, each led by an advisor. Each group will have 5 instructors. Mentors will be equally divided amongst the groups.
- During week 1, each group will run a mock QSilver workshop. The exact time of the live sessions will be determined based on the availability of the group members.
- During week 2, participants will have the opportunity to further improve their skill
Organizer: QEducation Department
Coordinator: Özlem Salehi (QWorld, QTurkey)
Leaders: Özlem Salehi (QWorld, QTurkey), Abdullah Khalid (QPakistan), Jibran Rashid (QWorld, QPakistan), Maksim Dimitrijev (QWorld, QLatvia)
Technical Support: Ankit Khandelwal, Shantanu Misra
Code of Conduct
Our event is dedicated to providing a harassment-free workshop experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event.
We respect the minors (children under age 18) and we must make every effort to protect their rights. All private relationships, private communications (including social media channels), or sexual contacts with minors are prohibited.
The default communication channel between the organizers and participants is e-mail and using the tools mentioned above. Except filing the application form, the contact info of any attendee or participant cannot be requested by any person from organizer side (i.e., mentor, educator, speaker, organizer, sponsor, or volunteer). On the other hand, any person from organizer side may share his or her contact info with a participant who is not a minor, upon request by the participant.
A minor can access the emails of the main organizers on the event’s website. If a minor interested in working with a person from organizer side for scientific or pedagogical purpose, then he or she should read this document before contacting this person: https://qworld.net/code-of-ethics-and-conduct/#minors
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the organizers immediately.
Check this link for more details: https://qworld.net/code-of-ethics-and-conduct/