Watch our Q&A session with Scott Aaronson!

Watch our Q&A session with Scott Aaronson!

QWebinars, QWorld
We invite you to watch the recording from the first Q&A session in the QWebinar series! Our first guest was Scott Aaronson, one of the best-known scientists in quantum computing and complexity theory, also known with his most popular blog "Shtetl-Optimized". In this amazing Q&A session, Scott answered the questions prepared by the moderators and also from the participants on quantum computing from the 80s to 20s. We thank Andris Ambainis, one of the world's leading experts on quantum algorithms, for being our special guest moderator! See the recording of the event on YouTube >> Moderators: Andris Ambainis (QLatvia) and Zoltán Zimborás (QHungary)Organizers: Abuzer Yakaryılmaz (QLatvia) and Agnieszka Wolska (QLatvia) Subscribe to our YouTube channel pageWatch all our QWebinars!
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Workshop Online for high school students!

Workshop Online for high school students!

QJunior, QWorkshop, QWorld, Workshop
We are pleased to announce that our online workshop “Quantum Computing and Programming” for juniors will start this Saturday (July 4, 2020). Our workshop is dedicated to the high school students who are 14 years old or older. During the workshop, we use the tutorial “Bronze” prepared by QWorld. It is a collection of Jupyter notebooks and each notebook has a couple of programming tasks to be solved by the participants. We use python to code our quantum programs. The workshop leader: Dr. Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (QWorld, QLatvia, and University of Latvia)QMentors: Viktorija Leimane (QLatvia) and Laine Strankale (QLatvia) Check our QBronze page for further details! The workshop is conducted by QWorld and co-organized by University of Latvia, University of Namibia, University of Turku, and Aion.
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QSlovakia joined QWorld!

QSlovakia joined QWorld!

QCousins, QWorld, Workshop
We welcome QSlovakia to QWorld as the 7th Quantum Cousin. QSlovakia team is formed by two groups of quantum computing researchers. One group is at Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and the other at Research Center for Quantum Information in Bratislava. Coordinators: Daniel Reitzner (RCQI) and Tomáš Samuely (UPJŠ)Contact: qslovakia [at] Quantum Cousins We are now seven quantum cousins. Please check our Entangling QCousins project if you are interested in being a QCousin!
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Quantum Machine Learning & PennyLane

Quantum Machine Learning & PennyLane

QWebinars, QWorld
In the latest QWebinar, we will host Maria Schuld with her lecture "Quantum Machine Learning & PennyLane." She will talk about different aspects of “variational quantum machine learning algorithms”, including their role in the development of near-term quantum technologies, their interpretation as a cross-breed of neural networks and support vector machines, and strategies of fitting the quantum model to data. As a practical implementation, she will show how to use the open-source software framework “PennyLane” to integrate quantum circuits with machine learning libraries such as PyTorch and Tensorflow. The QWebinar will start at 18:00 (CEST) on June 17, 2020. Moderators: Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (QWorld & QLatvia) and Ayşin Taşdelen (QTurkey)Organizers: Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (QWorld & QLatvia) and Agnieszka Wolska (QWorld) About Maria: Maria Schuld works as a researcher for the Toronto-based quantum…
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Official QWorld’s YouTube channel is open!

Official QWorld’s YouTube channel is open!

QWebinars, QWorld
QWorld has just started to publish videos on its YouTube channel! You will find there videos from our QWebinars about quantum technologies and quantum software. Stay up to date with the latest videos from QWorld by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Here are our latest recordings: The Potential Impact of Quantum Computers on Society by Ronald de Wolf. In this lecture, Ronald talks about the potential impact that the nascent technology of quantum computing may have on society. He focuses on three areas: cryptography, optimization, and simulation of quantum systems. In addition to a great lecture, we especially invite you to listen to Q&A session!Watch the recording of the QWebinar3 >> My personal quantum software story: QuTiP and Unitary Fund by Nathan Shammah. This QWebinar is about open source in…
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QTurkey organizes the first online workshop!

QTurkey organizes the first online workshop!

QCousins, QWorkshop
We are happy to inform that QTurkey's first online workshop is starting tomorrow! QTurkey prepared the online material based on Bronze, which consists of about 30 Jupyter notebooks and each notebook contains multiple tasks that must be completed by the participants. Python is the programming language and Qiskit will be the main library for writing our programs. Good luck to all participants!
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QWebinars: QWorld is starting its webinar series

QWebinars: QWorld is starting its webinar series

QWebinars, QWorld
We announce that on 29th of April, at 11:00 (GMT-5) we are starting the first Quantum Computing Webinar! The webinar is led by Paweł Gora, the board member of QWorld and QPoland, the founder and CEO of the Quantum AI Foundation. Want to learn the basics of quantum computing? Take part in the webinar "Introduction to Quantum Computing". It is a chance to get a solid dose of knowledge and meet with an expert in the field. Everyone interested is welcome to attend the QWebinar. Participation for the webinar is free! If you are interested, please, fill in the registration form (not later than 28th of April, 11:00 GMT-5).Click for the detailed info about webinar. This event is organized in collaboration with Quantum AI Foundation and Go to Gym Sportswear…
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The workshop at Yeditepe University

The workshop at Yeditepe University

QWorld, Workshop
We announce that on 13th of March we are starting the three days quantum programming workshop in Istanbul! The workshop will be held by the lead of educators and mentors from QTurkey in collaboration with Yeditepe Informatics Club. During the workshop there will be speeches conducted by Prof. Tekin Dereli (Koç University) and Şaban Dalaman. During the workshop You will get to know the basic elements of quantum computation, implement a few basic quantum algorithms representing the power of quantum computation, and write basic quantum programs. Participation for the workshop is free! Check the details here.
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The workshop at TED University

The workshop at TED University

QCousins, QWorld, Workshop
We are pleased to announce that quantum programming workshop is traveling to TED University in Ankara (February 22-23, 2020). The workshop will be held by the lead of educators and mentors from QTurkey in collaboration with CADS TEDU. Participation is free of charge. During the workshop we will get to know the basic elements of quantum computation, we will implement a few basic quantum algorithms representing the power of quantum computation, and write basic quantum programs. Check the details here
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QWorld will be in Tampere

QWorld will be in Tampere

QWorld, Workshop
We are pleased to announce that quantum programming workshop is traveling to Tampere University (March 5-6-7, 2020). The workshop will be held in Hervanta Campus. It is free of charge including lunch! During the workshop, we will use our introductory tutorial Bronze, which covers the basics of classical and quantum systems, fundamental quantum algorithms and quantum protocols, and how to write basic quantum programs using quantum programming libraries such as Qiskit. Bronze is composed by Jupyter notebooks and Python will be used as the programming language throughout the workshop. [event page] [application form] The application form will be kept open until receiving 30 suitable applications or February 24, 2020. Our QHosts are Dr. Robert Fickler, Dr. Marco Ornigotti, and Dr. Humeyra Caglayan. The visiting team is formed by QLatvia members Laine…
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