The more we share the more we have. (Leonard Nimoy)
We have four series of workshops on quantum computing and programming. All of them provide fully hands-on experiences.
- QBronze is our first workshop series based on our introductory tutorial Bronze-Qiskit and Bronze-ProjectQ. QBronze was organized more than 80 times and we handed out more than 3000 diplomas by May 2022. Bronze consists of basics of classical and quantum systems, quantum operations on a qubit, entanglement and basics quantum protocols, and Grover’s search algorithm.
- QSilver is our workshop series based on our intermediate level tutorial Silver covering complex numbers, Bloch sphere, operations with complex numbers, Quantum Fourier Transform, phase estimation, and Shor’s factorization algorithm. The current form of Silver uses both Qiskit and Cirq.
- QNickel is our workshop series based on our elementary level tutorial Nickel covering Grover algorithm for Max-Cut Problem and conventional quantum algorithms such as Deutsch Algorithm, Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm, Simon’s Algorithm. The current form of Nickel uses both Qiskit and Cirq.
- QPrep is our workshop series focusing on Python programming and linear algebra, to serve as a preparation before joining QBronze.
Quantum Science Days
Quantum Science days provide opportunities to the quantum community to present and discuss their research results at all levels (from short projects to thesis work to research publications), and to get to know each other.
QWorld Quantum Science Days 2022 will be held online on June 1-3, 2022. Our confirmed invited speakers are Stacey Jeffery, Elham Kashefi, Shaeema Zaman, Nathan Shammah, Paweł Gora, Aleksander A. Lasek, and Andrii Semenov. The deadline for submission of contributed talks is May 8, 2022.
QWorld Quantum Science Days 2021 was held online on June 1-2, 2021. We hosted five invited speakers (James Wootton, Alba Cervera Lierta, Barry Sanders, Tracy E. Northup, and Menno Veldhorst) and twenty six contributed talks.
Online Webinar Series
We have hosted several experts in our QWebinars and QTalks. Each recording can be watched on our YouTube channel. The most viewed ones:
- Quantum Machine Learning and PennyLane by Maria Schuld
- Q&A sessions with Scott Aaronson on quantum computing & Quantum Supremacy with Boson Sampling
- The Potential Impact of Quantum Computers on Society by Ronald de Wolf
- Careers opportunities in quantum technologies by Dr. Araceli Venegas-Gomez
- Open source in quantum science by Nathan Shammah
- Factorization in the Quantum World by Cem Say
- Understanding quantum matter by Eliška Greplová
- The Quantum Internet by Sumeet Khatri
Quantum Hackathons & Jams
By the end of 2021, we have organized four quantum hackathons and one quantum jam, during which 219 participants completed several projects. We also organized a quantum contest for high-school students.
- Hackathon on Applications of Quantum Technologies, Dec 14-15, 2019, Ankara, Turkey
- KTHACK 2020: Quantum Technologies Hackathon Oct 10-11, 2020, Online, Turkey
- QOyun 2020: Quantum Games Hackathon, Dec 26-27, 2020, Online, Turkey
- A contest on popularizing quantum computing addressed to high-school students, Feb 14-June 1, 2021, Online, Poland
- QOyun 2021: Quantum Games Hackathon, Sep 3-5, 2021, Online, Turkey
- QJam 2021: Quantum Education, Software, and Ecosystem, Nov 26-Dec 5, 2021, Online
Special Events
Quantum Summer School 2021: Our global and two-week-long quantum school based on Bronze and Silver was held online between July 26 and Aug 8, 2021, with more than 1000 participants. We had four local servers operating in Turkish, Spanish, Russian, and Romanian languages. The summer school was conducted by a team of around 30, and we handed out 416 QBronze diplomas and 259 QSilver diplomas.
QWorldChallenge2020 Autumn Edition was a series of 10 local QBronze workshops organized by our QCousins and one Global QBronze Workshop. During QChallenge2020, we handed out 756 diplomas, including 199 for women. The scope of the workshops covered preliminaries of quantum computing, implementation of basic quantum protocols, and algorithms.
Global Quantum Programming Workshop | QBronze was a one-week online workshop on the basics of quantum computing and quantum programming based on the introductory material Bronze prepared by QWorld. 720 participants from 72 countries took part in the event.
- QHungary organized a quantum programming workshop on November 21-22, 2019 in Budapest as a part of Lectures on Modern Scientific Programming series.