Quantum programming workshop
2020, March 5-6-7, Tampere, Finland
Hosted by Tampere University
QHosts: Dr. Robert Fickler, Dr. Marco Ornigotti, and Dr. Humeyra Caglayan.
Workshop leader: Dr. Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (QLatvia)
QMentors: Laine Strankale (QLatvia) and Daniels Buls (QLatvia)
Our workshop was supported by Tampere University, the Photonics Flagship PREIN of the Academy of Finland, and Faculty of Computing (University of Latvia).
Yakaryilmaz was partially supported by ERDF project Nr. “Quantum computers with constant memory”. | ![]() |
The workshop was hosted by Tampere University and held in Hervanta Campus. During the workshop, we used the introductory tutorial by QWorld called Bronze, which covers the basics of classical and quantum systems, fundamental quantum algorithms and quantum protocols, and how to write basic quantum programs using quantum programming libraries such as Qiskit. Bronze is composed by Jupyter notebooks and Python will be used as the programming language throughout the workshop. More info about Bronze can be found here.
Memorial diploma