An excellent way of studying a larger piece of material is to meet in a small group and simply go through it together. This is the purpose of study groups: A bunch of people take the same material, split the content among themselves, and share their thoughts.

The study group consists of participants who are reading and presenting information from the material, the group leader who is taking care of the smooth flow of the study group, and possibly mentors who are taking care of the quality of the information presented. A mentor has to be a person with adequate experience in the related topic. The group leader can be either a participant or a mentor.

Each research project team has to follow the rules of study groups.
Currently, Study Groups are not managed by the QResearch department due to lack of volunteers. If you are interested in coordinating study groups or creating a study group, please contact us!

Coordinator: Adam Glos (QPoland), Zoltán Zimborás (QHungary)
Study groups team: Abu Sayeed Md. Nasif, Yasir Ölmez
Contact: qresearch [at]

Past study groups

Study group #6
Conventional Quantum Algorithms study group (since 26.11.2021)

The quantum community has been heavily invested in new paradigms and applications for quantum algorithms of the NISQ era. This study group aims to take a step back and analyse solid, well described “classical” quantum algorithms, which include Deutsch-Jozsa, Shor and Grover amongst them. The key focus is going to be on their correctness and complexity analyses. The study group will have a weekly meeting, with a single presentation of a selected topic made by 2-3 participants.

The group leader and mentor:
Ludmila Augusta Soares Botelho (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Study group #1
Bits and Qubits – Fundamentals Reading Group (since 17.12.2020)

It is a reading group for beginners, where we learn the fundamentals of quantum computing step-by-step by reading Quantum Computation & Quantum Information by Nielsen & Chuang. We approach the book in 3 phases: Fundamentals, Quantum Computation, and Quantum Information.
We will have weekly meetings, discussing fixed portions of the chapter read during the week. We will discuss the material, ask questions and look for applications of what we read.

The group leader and mentor:
Uday Singla (BITS Pilani)

Study group #2
Quantum Machine Learning study space (since 18.12.2020)

Quantum Machine Learning (QML) carries its own challenges which needs to be addressed through research as it is a very new field. The focus of this group is to study the various aspects of QML and brainstorm on ideas which can potentially help QML prosper in the future as classical did. Our group will focus on theoretical and practical applications of QML using various software development kits, most prominently IBM Qiskit and Pennylane by Xanadu. There will be weekly online meetings where we will discuss the latest research going on in the field of QML, conduct study of the basics of QML and study about the scalability issues related to QML.

The group leader and mentor:
Srinjoy Ganguly (AdroitERA)

Study group #3
Open Quantum System Dynamics – Study Group (since 30.12.2020)

A study group about open quantum systems (OQS), with a focus on familiarizing with the basic necessary concepts in the literature and domain of OQS. Owing to its importance to the theory and application of quantum technology, OQS, recently, has gained a lot of attention. The theory of OQS deals with the fundamentals like nuances of quantum noise (especially when talking in terms of information processing), the very nature of quantum measurement and the transition from classical regime to quantum regime and vice versa.
Rather than using different quantum analogue simulators, we will use the python based package (QISKIT) to simulate the basics of the OQS. This, however, will require a careful circuit decomposition on our part.
The core contents will be from H.-P. Bruer and F. Petruccione, The Theory of Open Quantum Systems, Oxford University Press (2006) and other open source and public domain materials from youtube, github etc for example,

The group leader:
Abdul Moiz (QPakistan), abdulmoizmehmood [at]
Dr. Aeysha Khalique (QPakistan, NUST, Islamabad)

Study group #4
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information study group (since 25.01.2021)

The aim of this study group is to provide a rigorous introduction to Quantum Computation and Quantum Information theory centered around the book: “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information” by Nielsen and Chuang. We will also be complementing the aforementioned book with various lecture notes, which will be decided post group formation.

The group leader:
Turbasu Chatterjee

Study group #5
QIT study group (since 29.10.2020)

Quantum information is a broad field bridging among several scientific disciplines. In this group, our goal is to study its main theoretical contributions and thus find a common ground for a more advanced understanding of quantum information processing and quantum communication.  We are holding weekly online meetings to discuss the book “Principles of Quantum Communication Theory: A Modern Approach” by Sumeet Khatri and Mark Wilde. 

The group is formed by graduate students, representing different countries within the QWorld community.
If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the group leader.

The group leader:
Krista Petersone (QLatvia)
Sumeet Khatri (Louisiana State University),

See what others think about this form of activity:

I’m glad I joined the study group within QWorld. We are reading a great book about Quantum Information and Quantum communication. This is helping me build strong foundations to advance in Quantum Computing, improve my scientific communication, and exchange knowledge with new friends who share my passion for the field.

What do you think are the strengths of this form of activity?
Group motivation – discovering new learning resources and recommendations- meeting and exchanging with experts – enabling professional/academic collaborations – making new friends with a shared interest in Quantum Computing.
Sahar Ben Rached, QTunisia

What do you think are the strengths of this form of activity?
We have many people from different backgrounds sharing their expertise with the group members.
Hariprasad M, Pondicherry University

Old rules of study groups:
