QTunisia was founded in September 2020 by Mohamed Yassine Ferjani, a Telecommunications Engineering student at the National school of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax, and Sahar Ben Rached, a Research Master’s candidate in Nanophysics and Nanotechnology at the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis.
Our goal in QTunisia is to promote and raise awareness about the potential of quantum technologies, and teach Quantum Computing to anyone interested to learn. We are a growing community of quantum enthusiasts, and our activity is focused on organizing workshops, and hosting talks and webinars with quantum experts from different sectors.
You can follow our news and activity on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Facebook | Facebook Group | LinkedIn
Contact: qtunisia [at] qworld.net
Board members of QTunisia:
Sahar Ben Rached, Research Student in Nanotechnology Faculty of Sciences of Tunis
Mohamed Yassine Ferjani, Telecommunications Engineering Student National school of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax
Team members of QTunisia:
Oussama Bahri, BI & Data Engineering National school of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax
Yosr halleb, BI and data engineering National school of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax
Ines Rouached, industrial engineering National INstitute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Tunis
Mehdi BEN CHIKHA, Software engineering National INstitute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Tunis
Meriem Kasmi, phd student in computer science École Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique, Tunis
Azza FADHEL, Signal and System engineering Ecole Polytechnique de Tunis
Emna Ben Othmen, Industrial IT and automation engineering National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Tunis