QRomania is a group of quantum computing professionals, enthusiasts and educators. We are affiliated or in close collaboration with several universities and research institutes: The National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies in Cluj Napoca, The Babes Bolyai Unversity in Cluj Napoca and Transilvania University in Brasov.
We are an inclusive community. We think great ideas and added value come from collaboration and sometimes open debate between great people. That’s why community building our main mission. Our goal is to spread the word about the value of quantum technologies across students and academics. We want to connect people interested in quantum research among themselves and with the other communities in the QWorld network. We organize online courses, workshops and presentations.
We invite you to our social media channels!
Contact: qromania [at] qworld.lu.lv
QRomania Board:
Andrei Voicu Tomut
Sorin Bolos
Sorin Bolos
Voicu Andrei Tomut
Radu Marginean
Liviu Zarbo
Vlad Plotean
Alexandru Paler