The more we share the more we have. (Leonard Nimoy)
We have been training new people to take part in our events or to organize our events. At the moment, Workshop/Bronze is our main event.
Our coordinator Maksims Dimitrijevs has trained four QMentors in Riga, and each of them now is in training to be a QEducator. There are two new candidates in Riga in training to be a QMentor.
We are preparing a more formal online QMentor Training program, and we plan to make it ready in the first quarter of 2020.
Join us/Host us
If you are interested in organizing a Workshop/Bronze by your own team, we would be happy to provide online support by our QEducators. You can join QWorld in this way. Please contact our coordinator for further details.
If you are interested in hosting a Workshop/Bronze:
- please contact the related coordinators for a focused group such as QJunior or QWomen; and,
- please contact the coordinators of QCousins (or a specific QCousin from the list) for a generic audience.
Each member of QWorld, each host, and each collaborator must agree to accept our code of ethics and code of conduct and then respect and follow the codes, rules, and regulations.
Our team
Coordinators: Maksims Dimitrijevs (QLatvia) and Özlem Salehi Köken (QTurkey)
Contact: qmentor-training [at]
QEducators: Maksims Dimitrijevs (QLatvia), Özlem Salehi Köken (QTurkey), and Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (QLatvia).