We have successfully completed QCourse511-1!
100 students from 25 countries earned their certificates.
More than 30 term projects were completed by the students (click for the list).
The dedicated QWebinar for the summary of semester is held between 17:00-20:00 (UTC), Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
We are very excited to start to teach our first graduate-level course: QCourse511 “Quantum Computing and Programming”!
The first edition of QCourse511 is available by the collaboration of QWorld, DF@LU (Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia), and Unitary Fund.
The project component of the class is also open to students under QTOM (Quantum Technologies Open Master) Pilot by QTEdu (the coordination and support action for Quantum Technology Education of Quantum Flagship).
This edition is free, fully online, and open for graduate-level students from all around the world, with given priorities to the students from Latvia, QTEdu partners, and the QWorld network.
Jibran Rashid, the coordinator (QWorld), contact: qcourse511 [at] qworld.net
Abuzer Yakaryilmaz, the instructor (DF@LU), contact: abuzer [at] lu.lv
Getting credits?
This edition is formally linked to the course with code DatZ7097 in the doctoral study program of DF@LU. The final grade is out of 100 points.
If a student is willing to receive credits in her institution due to her participation in this course, an official document will be provided signed by the director of the doctoral program or a representative from DF@LU. However, it is the responsibility of the student to clarify in advance whether such a document would work in her case (to prevent any unexpected situation at the end of the semester).
Please check this template carefully and verify it with your institute if you are interested in receiving the credit from this course. There will be no other (signed) documents!
There may also be some memorial diplomas/certificates for the successful participants prepared by QWorld.
Our course materials come with fully hands-on experience, and the students should solve several programming tasks using Python. Therefore, each applicant should be able to write basic programs using Python, such as creating a list of twin prime numbers less than 300 and then print this list.
Each applicant should also know (i) the basics of linear algebra such as vectors, matrices, and the basic operations on them, and (ii) the basics of trigonometric concepts and functions such as angle, length, sine, cosine, unit circle, unit sphere, rotations, and reflections.
We may do a knowledge test if there are too many applications.
Content and schedule
All hours in local time in Latvia (UTC+3 until Oct 30 & UTC+2 after Oct 30)!
The course has two parts: Lectures (11 weeks) and Projects (2 or 6 weeks).
A student is expected to spend around 160 academic hours to complete the course.
During the first part, we use the tutorials “Bronze” (Bronze-Qiskit or Bronze-ProjectQ) and “Silver” developed by QWorld, and we cover the following topics: basics of probabilistic and quantum systems; elements of basic quantum circuits and quantum programming libraries such as Qiskit, ProjectQ, and Cirq; superposition and measurement; composite quantum system; Grover’s search algorithm and its implementation; complex numbers and Bloch Sphere; Quantum Fourier Transform and its implementations; and, Shor’s factorization algorithm and its implementation.
The first part starts on Monday, Sep 13, 2021, and ends on Thursday, Nov 25, 2021. It is 11 weeks in total: Each week has a 90-min lecture on Monday and four 1-hour lab sessions from Monday to Thursday. There are also extra curriculum activities such as online talks, networking events, playing Kahoot games, etc.
There are ten online quizzes or programming homework (single submissions with firm deadlines) in the first part. There are also online self-study quizzes (multiple attempts are allowed).
Your scores from all online quizzes and homework are 70% of your final grade.
To continue with the project phase, you should complete the first part with at least 30 points out of 70.
Week | Start | End | Topic | Lectures 19:00 – 20:30 Monday | Labs 18:00-19:00 Monday-Thursday | Extra (TBA) 19:00-20:30 Thursday |
1 | Sep 13 | Sep 16 | Bronze1 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
2 | Sep 20 | Sep 23 | Bronze2 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
3 | Sep 27 | Sep 30 | Bronze3 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
4 | Oct 04 | Oct 07 | Bronze4 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
5 | Oct 11 | Oct 14 | Bronze5 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
6 | Oct 18 | Oct 21 | Silver1 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
7 | Oct 25 | Oct 28 | Silver2 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
8 | Nov 01 | Nov 04 | Silver3 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
9 | Nov 08 | Nov 11 | Silver4 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
10 | Nov 15 | Nov 18 | Silver5 | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min | |
11 | Nov 22 | Nov 25 | Review | 1 x 90 min | 4 x 60 min |
To continue with the project phase, you should complete the first part with at least 30 points out of 70.
The second part is for projects. There are two options for each student.
- We organize a hackathon on the weekend of the 11th week. Participation in the hackathon is optional, but a student may complete her project as a part of the hackathon. The participants form groups, and each group works on a project for 24 hours. The hackathon committee evaluates the outcomes on Sunday. The successful groups (they may modify the team members) continue to work until the Saturday and submit their work for final evaluation and grading. If a student does not satisfy with her score from her hackathon’s project, she may continue with a term project to aim a higher score.
- A term project can be individual or group work depending on its nature. A student may skip the hackathon and directly start with her term project. A student can use at least one month to complete her term project. During this period, she can have a weekly meetings with mentors.
Your scores from the project phase are 30% of your final grade.
Week | Start | End | Activity |
11 | Nov 25 | deadline for the last homework | |
11 | Nov 27 | Nov 28 | [optional] online hackathon |
12 | Nov 29 | Dec 4 | [optional] working on hackathon projects |
12 | Dec 5 | [optional] hackathon projects | presentation and grading | |
13 | Dec 8 | deadline for assigning term projects | |
13-17 | Dec 9 | Jan 9 | working on term projects |
17 | Jan 9 | deadline for term project submissions | |
18 | Jan 10 | Jan 13 | evaluation of term projects |
18 | Jan 14 | Jan 16 | term projects | presentation and grading |
A student (or some students) may continue with their projects until May 2022, for which we are working on creating a new course.
Online platforms and tools
We have two bases platforms. We use Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) hosted by QWorld to manage the course flow, self-study quizzes, online quizzes, homework, and grading. We use a Discord server for our virtual class, i.e., communicating with each other, directing our questions, answering questions, asking for technical help, etc.
Additionally, we use zoom meetings for online lectures; and zoom meetings or Discord voice channels for online labs and one-to-one consultation. We broadcast some meetings on YouTube, and essential recordings will be available (through their links) on YouTube to watch later. We may use additional tools or platforms to conduct extra activities such as networking or Kahoot games.
Completing the online quizzes and submitting homework are mandatory. You may be excluded from the class if you miss two or more.
Attendance to the lectures or labs is not mandatory, and you can access some materials asynchronous. However, we highly recommend each student attend the online lectures and labs, be active in the Discord server, and synchronized with the course schedule. Remark that each assignment should be completed within a week after its related part is covered.
The applications are closed. We will send the decisions before September 13, 2021.
If you are not a student at University of Latvia: You must provide “Proof of Enrollment OR Support Letter” as a part of your application.
Proof of Enrollment OR Support Letter
We require that you provide some documentation as evidence that you meet the requirements.
If you are enrolled in a graduate level program at a university during Fall 2021, please upload a document as evidence of your enrollment. (Example, an official letter of enrollment from Registrar’s office, a snapshot of your enrollment status on the university’s online system etc.)
If you are a highly motivated undergraduate / secondary school student or not currently enrolled in an academic program you may still apply for QCourse511. In this case, please provide a letter from a university faculty member in support of your application for this course.
Coordinator: Jibran Rashid (QWorld), contact: qcourse511 [at] qworld.net
Instructor: Abuzer Yakaryilmaz (DF@LU & QWorld), contact: abuzer [at] lu.lv
Canvas: Abdullah Khalid (QWorld)
Student assistants: Vishal Bajpe (QWorld), Kenneth Isamade (QWorld), and Claudia Zendejas-Morales (QWorld)
Discord: Shantanu Misra (QWorld) and Engin Baç (QWorld)
Marketing: Agnieszka Wolska (CMO at QWorld) and Lorraine Majiri (QWorld)
Organizational support: Özlem Salehi (QWorld)
Operational help: Razeen Shuja (IBA, Karachi)
Yakaryılmaz is partially supported by ERDF project Nr. “Quantum computers with constant memory”. | ![]() |
Code of Conduct
Our course is dedicated to providing a harassment-free teaching and learning experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the course.
We respect the minors (children under age 18) and we must make every effort to protect their rights. All private relationships, private communications (including social media channels), or sexual contacts with minors are prohibited.
Except the filing the application form and similar formal procedures, the contact info of any attendee or participant cannot be requested by any person from organizer side (i.e., mentor, educator, speaker, organizer, sponsor, or volunteer). On the other hand, any person from organizer side may share his or her contact info with a participant who is not a minor, upon request by the participant.
A minor can access the emails of the main organizers on the event’s website. If a minor interested in working with a person from organizer side for scientific or pedagogical purpose, then he or she should read this document before contacting this person:
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the organizers immediately. For any concern regarding the organizers, please contact the members of the Ethics Committee of QWorld.
Check the above link for more details.