QBronze93 | Quantum Computing and Programming Workshop in Poland

QBronze93 | Quantum Computing and Programming Workshop, Online, September 10-11 & 17-18, 2022

We are pleased to announce our next QBronze quantum programming workshop organized jointly by QPoland and Quantum AI Foundation! Join us for the introductory workshop “Quantum Computing and Programming” and learn the basics of quantum computing and how to write simple quantum programs. It is free and fully-online.

We invite high school students, undergraduate and graduate students (the workshop is addressed to participants between 14 and 24 years old). During the quantum workshop, we will use the introductory tutorial Bronze-Qiskit by QWorld. The educational materials are in English, but the language of training and mentoring will be in Polish. We will use Zoom and Discord to conduct the workshop.

We will share homework via QWorld Canvas (five homework assignments, in total 100 pts). The participants who complete them all successfully (at least 50% for each) with at least 70 pts in total, will earn their diplomas!

Participants will be watching the lecture videos and completing the tasks on their own. Mentor support will be provided for participants to ask their questions and share their progress with mentors. The workshop will be held over 4 days, with a total of 16 hours of training.


Day 1
(10th September 2022, 14:00-18:00 UTC (16:00-20:00 UTC+2)

This day will consist mainly of theoretical aspects of basics of classical and quantum computing and will be ended with Qiskit examples.

  1. Transition from classical bit to quantum bit, vector and graphical representation of bit and qubit using real numbers.
  2. Analytical representation of a single qubit.
  3. Logical gates, transition matrix, basics of linear algebra – example of coin flipping
  4. Examples of quantum gates – NOT, I, Hadamard gate – algebraic representation
  5. Break (15 min)
  6. Superposition, interference and measurement.
  7. Introduction to Qiskit – building first quantum circuit.
  8. Qiskit – job types

Day 2
(11th September 2022, 14:00-18:00 UTC (16:00-20:00 UTC+2)

The goal of the following lesson is to show alternative representations of a single qubit and one-qubit quantum gates basing on a code written during the lesson. Between, some important definitions and techniques will be introduced together with a Python code.

  1. Trigonemtric representation of a qubit.
  2. Global and local phase
  3. Graphical representation of quantum gates. Different single-qubit quantum gates using real numbers.
  4. Rotation and reflection.
  5. Break (15 min)
  6. Quantum tomography

Day 3
(17th September 2022, 14:00-18:00 UTC (16:00-20:00 UTC+2)

During the session students will get equipped with theoretical, mathematical and algorithmic basis needed to understand and programmatically implement quantum teleportation algorithm. Also, as an introduction to the next session building and decomposition of multi-qubit gates will be discussed.

  1. Two-qubit gates, controlled two-qubit gates
  2. Phase kickback
  3. Quantum entanglement
  4. Break (15 min)
  5. Quantum teleportation
  6. Many-qubit gates, multiple control structures.

Day 4
(18th September 2022, 14:00-18:00 UTC (16:00-20:00 UTC+2)

The session will be fully dedicated to the Grover’s search algorithm. Students will get familiar with inversion about the mean subroutine and will be shown some ways of thinking about Grover’s algorithm and then will implement it in Qiskit.

  1. Inversion about the mean
  2. Grover’s search: idea and theory
  3. Break (15 min)
  4. Grover’s search: implementation

The participants are expected to work individually at least 16 hours to complete the following sections of Bronze-Qiskit: basics of classical systems, basics of quantum systems, basic quantum operators, quantum correlation and quantum protocols, and quantum search algorithm.


The tutorial is a collection of Jupyter notebooks, and each notebook has a recorded lecture. We use python to solve the tasks and Qiskit library to code quantum programs. The participants should know at least one programming language, and they should make themselves familiar with Python before the workshop if they do not know Python. We will share the installation instructions and a few notebooks on basics of mathematics and participants should review them before the workshop starts.

Application for our quantum workshop

Thanks for your interest. We’ve reached our capacity, so the application forms are closed.
There will be new Bronze-Qiskit workshops in the upcoming months to apply for.
If you would like to stay updated about the next QWorld’s events, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
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Workshop Team

Organizer: Paweł Gora
Instructor: Przemysław Michałowski
Mentors: Kamila Szafrańska, Sebastian Zając, Maciej Krzywda, Rafał Chrzanowski, Michał Malik, Jakub Nowak, Jakub Bliźniuk, Aleksandra Lipińska

Contact: qpoland [at] qworld.net
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Quantum AI Foundation

Code of Conduct

Our event is dedicated to providing a harassment-free workshop experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event.

We respect the minors (children under age 18) and we must make every effort to protect their rights. All private relationships, private communications (including social media channels), or sexual contacts with minors are prohibited.

The default communication channel between the organizers and participants is e-mail. Except filing the application form, the contact info of any attendee or participant cannot be requested by any person from organizer side (i.e., mentor, educator, speaker, organizer, sponsor, or volunteer). On the other hand, any person from organizer side may share his or her contact info with a participant who is not a minor, upon request by the participant.

A minor can access the emails of the main organizers on the event’s website. If a minor interested in working with a person from organizer side for scientific or pedagogical purpose, then he or she should read this document before contacting this person:

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the organizers immediately. You may also contact directly the members of the Ethics Committee of QWorld.
Check the above link for more details.