Every amount matters!
Donate and become a friend of the QWorld Association, and work with us to popularize quantum technologies and software. We believe that science is the best investment for the future. Thanks to your contributions, we can change the face of education in the world and make knowledge available to everyone, without discrimination and free of charge. QWorld Association is a non-profit organization that runs its activities thanks to your donations.
Thanks to your support, we can:
- conduct free scientific quantum workshops for youth and adults
- conduct free trainings for teachers and mentors
- conduct free internship programs such as QIntern that allow collaborative work between more experienced people and those willing to learn more.
- conduct and give awards in QHackatons
- develop open-source scientific materials within the QEducation department
- create and support study groups for joint learning within the QResearch department
- create and support research projects of teams of scientists and students within the QResearch department
- give awards in scientific events for the best participants and projects
- create a community of people involved in joint work to popularize quantum technologies
- organize free QWebinars and QTalks with the best scientists in the quantum field
Your donation will be used following our educational and scientific activity profile.
Contact: info [at] qworld.net
Donation Tiers
The names of donors (if agreed) will be listed on our website as well as they will receive our special design certificates of appreciation based on the following tiers.
- Bronze: starting from €25
- Silver: starting from €50
- Gold: starting from €100
Our donors will also get extra beneficial (depending on their tiers) from us within 12 months from their donation dates.
How to donate
Please share your name (as it should be on your certificate) with us after making your donation by sending an email to info [at] qworld.net.
1) Direct EUR transfer to our account
Account holder: QWorld Association
Address of QWorld Association (if needed): Kesklinna linnaosa, Tartu mnt
67/1-13b, 10115, Tallinn, Estonia
IBAN: CZ28 2010 0000 0023 0287 3869
Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V celnici 1028/10, 11000 Praha
Account type: Current account
Currency: EUR
Payment reference: QWorld donation