Bronze is an introductory material to introduce the basics of quantum computation and quantum programming:
Bronze is a collection of Jupyter notebooks using Python as the programming language and qiskit library for writing quantum programs. Bronze can be used to organize three-day long workshops or to design a 2-credit lecture for the second or third year university students.
Bronze was created by Abu (QLatvia) in October 2018, and the most part of it had been developed by him until July 2019. Starting from July 7, 2019, Bronze has been on a public gitlab repository and it is expected to have contributions from public as well. We have organized three two-day long workshops by using the first version of Bronze in 2018. During our project QDrive, we used the extended version of Bronze for three-day long workshops.
Bronze is composed by main, auxiliary, and reference notebooks. The auxiliary notebooks are prepared to be used before the workshops. They are for testing the system, reviewing the basics of python, and explaining vectors, matrices, and basic operations on them.
The main notebooks are prepared to be used during the workshops. They cover the following concepts:
- Probabilistic bits, coin-flipping, biased coins, probabilistic states, probabilistic operators, and classical correlation
- Quantum programs as circuits: registers, gates, measurements, execution, and reading the outcomes
- Quantum coin-flipping (Hadamard) and quantum bits (qubits)
- Quantum states, measurement, superposition, and quantum operators
- Entanglement, superdense coding, and quantum teleportation
- Rotations, reflections, and rotation automata
- Grover’s search algorithm